Zhenyu "James" Kong, professor of industrial and systems engineering in the College of Engineering at Virginia Tech, has been named the Ralph H. Bogle Jr. Professor in Industrial and Systems Engineering by the Virginia Tech Board of Visitors in June 2024.
The Ralph H. Bogle, Jr. Professorship in the Grado Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISE) was established by the generous gift from the Ralph H. Bogle, Jr. estate in 1979. Although originally intended for Chemical Engineering, this gift was transitioned to a named professorship in ISE in 1984. This professorship enables the ISE Department to attract and retain excellent faculty, contributing to the scholarly and research productivity of faculty in the department and to our external reputation. Dean Julia Ross has nominated Dr. Kong to be appointed as the Ralph H. Bogle, Jr. Professor, based on the recommendations of the ISE Department Head and ISE Honorifics Committee.